

W&J’s 西班牙语 program offers courses that cover all areas of vibrant, 说西班牙语的文化, from language and grammar to literature and film. Our faculty are proud to teach students language fluency as well as the cultural awareness to interact with native speakers from communities all over the world.

因为det365app提供的课程范围很广, the 西班牙语 major can easily be tailored to fit the goals and interests of the student. Incoming freshmen must receive a language placement for languages with which they have prior experience to determine their beginning course level for that language.

除了出国留学的机会, 西班牙语 majors are required to complete a semester abroad, 也是一个顶点项目, to augment the skills and 知识 they gain in the classroom. Additionally, opportunities for networking include membership in σ δ, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society.



The mission of the Department of Modern Languages is to impart to all W&J学生的技能, 知识, and qualities necessary to communicate and interact in culturally appropriate ways with speakers of languages other than their own. 现代语言系是, 因此, a key component of a liberal arts education and serves the mission of the College by preparing students to become observant, 响应, and 知识able actors in our increasingly multicultural and global society.



W&J提供 一个学期的海外学习 opportunities in 西班牙语-speaking countries including Costa Rica, 厄瓜多尔, 西班牙, 和乌拉圭, 加上夏天 麦哲伦项目 and study abroad in whichever country students choose. Travel opportunities are also available during Jay Term courses in January or May, and internships and service learning opportunities for students are available in Costa Rica, 智利, 多米尼加共和国, 西班牙和波多黎各.

Adam Hrycko ' 20, 2019年夏天在库斯科度过, 秘鲁, completing an internship at the Wiracocha 西班牙语 School. As a Program Expansion and Development Intern, Adam helped the school build US university partnerships by doing translation, and language/content updating for digital media and international marketing materials. This opportunity allowed him to gain professional experience, understand better the cross-linguistic and cross-cultural elements of the language, and eventually led him to pursue a master’s degree in Global Communication and Applied Translation for 西班牙语.

Unique on-campus opportunities are also part of W&J的鲁棒程序. 8 W&J students joined literary forces in their 西班牙语 class to 写一本侦探小说 用他们的第二语言. The project allowed them to explore their creativity while connecting with the culture of 西班牙 in a way that deepened their understanding of the country and its people.


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