
Residence Life coordinates a positive, safe, and developmental housing experience for W&我的学生. 由于det365app是一个住宿校园,98%的W&学生们在大学四年里住在校园里. First-year students are paired with roommates and are housed in first-year housing based on the living preferences they submit. All continuing students participate in the spring housing process to secure housing for the upcoming year. 拉, 受过高级训练的准专业人员, work with professional staff in residence life to provide support to students and to assist in building community.

Students walk on campus with 总统一行 residence halls Fillmore Hall and Monroe Hall as seen October 21, 2019年在华盛顿的Creosote影响照片拍摄期间 & det365app.




库珀是一个男女混合的宿舍. 库珀的居民享受着套间式的生活, 社区厨房, 洗衣设施便利,位于大楼内. A large common space on the ground floor provides an area for studying and socializing. The building's "U" shape creates a grassy courtyard outside where students can relax and enjoy nice weather.







和库珀一样,亚历山大也是男女混合宿舍. 亚历山大的居民享受着套房式的生活, 社区厨房, 几个安静的学习空间, 楼前还有一个宽敞的庭院. 除了, it boasts a large ground floor common area that is frequently home to great programs and activities. Alexander is also conveniently located beside an outdoor basketball court where students often meet up for games in nice weather.


亚历山大•霍尔 is an exact twin of the neighboring upperclassmen residence hall, Marshall. Apart from a few changes that have been made over the years, the buildings remain nearly identical. 亚历山大大厅也有 同伴辅助学习中心 以及新生资源休息室.



梅隆大学是一个全女生宿舍. 梅隆大厅传统上拥有校园内最接近的社区之一. 梅隆大厅是一个传统的大厅,主要由双人间组成. Residents on each floor share one of the four bathrooms which were recently renovated. The first and second floors have study rooms available to all residents and a large common room is located on the ground floor. A courtyard area shared with Upperclass and North Halls is often the site of Frisbee games. 梅隆大学建于1949年,以纪念詹姆斯·罗斯·梅隆, 杰斐逊学院1865届的一员, 是W的礼物.L. 和五月。. 梅隆基金会.




高年级是男生宿舍. It consists primarily of double rooms but also includes a limited number of triple and single rooms. Residents share common floor bathrooms that were recently updated as part of a large-scale building renovation. A courtyard area located on the building's west side and the building's ground floor common area are great places to spend time with new friends. 附近的北厅有洗衣设施.


尽管它的名字, Upperclass大厅 has actually functioned as a freshman residence hall for a large part of its history.


  • 以太网接入
  • 无线上网
  • 有线电视
  • 楼内有洗衣设施
  • 公共厨房空间,炉灶,冰箱和微波炉
  • 带电视的公共休息室
  • 建筑的所有楼层都有公共自习室
  • 以太网接入
  • 无线上网
  • 有线电视
  • 库柏楼附近有洗衣设施
  • 带电视的公共休息室
  • 自动售货机
  • 建筑的所有楼层都有公共自习室
  • 以太网接入
  • 无线上网
  • 有线电视
  • 北厅附近有洗衣设施
  • 带电视的公共休息室
  • 公共厨房空间,炉灶,冰箱和微波炉 
  • 建筑的所有楼层都有公共自习室
  • 以太网接入
  • 无线上网
  • 有线电视
  • 北厅附近有洗衣设施
  • 公共休息室与电视,游戏桌,和微波炉




Bica-Ross大厅有118名学生. The building offers a suite-style living option for students primarily in their senior and junior years. Bica-Ross的每间套房包含四间单人卧室, 公共生活区, 公共浴室, 还有一个储物柜. Additionally, each suite is equipped with a heating and air conditioning system. 每层楼都有一间自习室. Inside students may take advantage of a kitchenette with a sink, refrigerator, and microwave. 一楼有洗衣设施. The building leads out a courtyard and the Henry Memorial Gym is also located adjacent to the building.



这座建筑是由克林顿女士奉献的. 维奥莱特·比卡-罗斯为纪念她已故的丈夫L. 克莱顿·罗斯30. Ms. Bica-Ross visits campus yearly followed by a reception that is held at Bica-Ross大厅. 这栋建筑于2004年完工.



马歇尔大厅 is home to 130 upperclass men and women who enjoy suite-style living with two rooms sharing a bathroom. Marshall has two study rooms on each floor and a large common area on the ground floor for relaxing and socializing where students can watch TV, 打台球, 或者一起在社区厨房做饭. The basketball and sand volleyball courts adjacent to the building allow for outdoor activity and laundry facilities are located next door in 库珀大厅.


这座建筑是为了纪念Hon. 老W. 马歇尔是W的成员&他是1904届毕业生,1948-1959年担任校董会主席. 马歇尔大厅 is also exact twin of 亚历山大•霍尔, which is located directly in front.



新宿舍楼住着108名高年级学生. 新宿舍楼 was built in 2002 with the construction of the fourth floor concluding in 2004. New Res offers a suite-style living option for students primarily in their junior and senior years. New Res的每间套房包含两间卧室和一间双人房, 公共生活区, 公共浴室, 还有储物柜. Additionally, each suite is equipped with a heating and air conditioning system. 每层楼都有一间自习室. Inside students may take advantage of a kitchenette with a sink, refrigerator, and microwave. 一楼有洗衣设施.



总统街为上层阶级学生提供了多种住房选择. 这个社区有九栋建筑,包括布坎南大厅, 哈里森大厅, 杰斐逊大厅, 和华盛顿大厅. 这些建筑提供男女同校, 生活环境以及温室(亚当斯大厅), 国际公寓(克利夫兰大厅), 安静的房子(林肯大厅), 宠物屋(门罗大厅). Each building consists of a community of 32 students with either student living in a wing sharing 公共浴室. 每栋楼都有两个公共休息室和一个洗衣设施.


总统一行 was completed in 1968 and originally housed our fraternities and sororities until fall 2005 when they moved to Chestnut Street. 总统一行 residence halls began undergoing renovations in the summer of 2019.


韦德的房子 is an upper-class female building and is home to 24 residents and one House Liaison. 这栋房子有单人间、双人间和三人间,每层楼都有一个洗手间. The house is located up the hill from Burnett and Olin Halls in a historic section of East 华盛顿 Borough.

韦德的房子 is a late 19th-century Victorian mansion that was completely renovated during the spring and fall of 2017.



惠氏的房子 offers a unique living environment for upper-class female students in that it is divided into individual, 独立的公寓. 每间公寓都有自己的浴室、客厅和齐全的厨房. The house is located up the hill from Burnett and Olin Halls in a historic section of East 华盛顿 Borough.

惠氏的房子 is a mid-19th century Victorian mansion that was acquired by 华盛顿 & 1997年杰弗逊学院. 书院于2007年更名为金姆书院.


  • 以太网接入
  • 无线接入
  • 有线电视
  • 空调
  • 洗衣设施
  • Study rooms on each floor with kitchenette containing microwave, sink area, and dining table
  • 自动售货机
  • 以太网接入
  • 无线接入
  • 有线电视
  • 社区厨房
  • 公共休息室,台球桌和电视
  • 自动售货机
  • 洗衣设施位于库珀大厅
  • 以太网接入
  • 无线接入
  • 有线电视
  • 空调
  • 一楼有洗衣设施
  • Study rooms on each floor with kitchenettes containing a microwave, sink area, and dining table
  • 自动售货机
  • 以太网接入
  • 无线接入
  • 带电视的公共休息室
  • 娱乐室
  • 洗衣设施
  • 每个露台上都有烤架
  • 以太网接入
  • 无线接入
  • 有线电视
  • 厨房有冰箱,微波炉和炉子
  • 洗衣设施位于一楼
  • 以太网接入
  • 无线接入
  • 有线电视
  • 每间公寓都有齐全的厨房
  • 洗衣设施位于地下室


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